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Officer List


# Image Title Designation Office Section Email Mobile Phone (Office) Batch (BCS)
1 Engr. Abdul Kuddus Sardar Principal prin.barguna@gmail.com 01708518270 01708518270 0
2 Md.Jiaul Haque Registar jiaulhoque1977@gmail.com 01712486806 044863460 0
3 Monoj Kanti Baidya Instructor (Non-Tech) English and Head of Department (Non-Tech) bdmkbaidya@gmail.com 01715422738 01715422738 0
4 Jahidul Haque Instructor (Tech/ Electronics) jahid8803@gmail.com 01521370165 01521370165 40
5 মোঃ আব্দুর রাকিব হাসান Instructor (Tech/ Civil) rakib.hasan08@yahoo.com 01723282569 01723282569 40
6 Nahid Noman Instructor (Tech/Civil) and Head of the Department (RAC Technology) nahidnoman.civil@gmail.com 01676772198 01676772198 40
7 মোঃ রাজু আহম্মেদ Instructor and Head of the Department (Tech/Computer) engrrazu23@gmail.com 01793961866 01793961866 40
8 Amanot Hossain Emon Instructor(Tech/Environmental) amanotemon41@gmail.com 01676004824 01676004824 41
9 Hadid Ahmed Noor Instructor(Tech/Electronics) hadidnoor27@gmail.com 01684394794 01684394794 41
10 Md. Elias Akon Junior Instructor ( Non-Tech) English roktim909@gmail.com 01723164927 01723164927 38
11 Md Zakir Hossain Junior Instructor (Non-Tech) Mathematics zakir7065@gmail.com 01715851849 01715851849 38
12 মো: তরিকুল ইসলাম জুনিয়র ইনস্ট্রাক্টর (নন-টেক/ রসায়ন tariqul1413@gmail.com 01816811164 01816811164 40
13 FORHAD HOSSAN Junior instructor. Non-tech/Accounting forhadhossan2008@gmail.com 01728771029 01728771029 40
14 Abdul Gaffar Junior Instructor(Non-tech/Mathematics) gaffar20765@gmail.com 01999777940 01999777940 41
15 Mizanur Rahman Junior instructor (Tec/Civil) http://Mizanppi.hm@gmail.com 01727465190 01727465190 0
16 Sydur Rahman Bappi Junior instructor (Tec/Civil) srbappy35@gmail.com 01762792712 01762792712 0
17 Mahedi Hasan Reaz Junior Instructor (Tech/Civil) gazireaz95@gmail.com 01710058278 01710058278 0
18 Liza Akter Junior Instructor (Tech/Civil) nishatliza789@gmail.com 01789007626 01789007626 0
19 A. B. M. Kamruzzaman Junior Instructor (Tech/Electronics) kamruzzamaneeeuu@gmail.com 01711111445 01711111445 0
20 Md. Ilias Hossain Junior Instructor (Tech/Electronics) iliashosssain70@gmail.com 01789803994 01789803994 0